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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  April 2, 2012 1:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>> what is the very latest? >> it's a university where there are students apparently learning the art of acupuncture, we know of five people we were killed her. what we do not know is was that shooter connected to the university? you can take a look at the active situation, we have a big perimeter set up. we do understand that the oakland police have now detained and that is the word they are using, is detained, one person who they believe may be responsible for this shooting. it is not being considered an arrest yet and oakland police
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are not saying if there was a second person involved or more. unconfirmed reports, five people dead, we did see some of those people being brought out and put on the ground and tarps being put on their body. a very sad day in oakland. >> mark, what do we know about this person detained for questioning? a student faculty, a stranger to the school, do we know anything about this person? >> that is the question we all have is who is this potential shooter? the shooting did occur inside of the building. so from that standpoint, you could surmise that perhaps the person was a student or an employee. at this point oakland police not releasing any details about who this person is, his relationship to the school, to the university. the fact that they're not using the term arrest, just someone who's been questioned.
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we are led to believe that police are sure they have their man. unfortunately the police have not officially said that yet, so we have to use the word unconfirmed but you can see them on the ground and body bags being put over them. >> do we know what kind of a weapon was used? an assault, a handgun, a rifle. anything like that? >> police have been doing in the last 15 minutes, they have been going into the building to make sure that there were not more people, perhaps students of the united states, perhaps hiding in closets, perhaps being evacuated, or if there's another gunman in there. four people being taken to local hospitals, at minimum, at least nine people involved, likely five fatalities, four injuries, what kind of weapon, we just
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don't know. >> we'll check back with you, mark, it's a good thing that it looks like they're scaling back if in fact they have arrested the suspect involved in this mass killing, i must say, five individuals confirmed dead. brian snow is there. tell us what you saw, what your role, what your involvement in the school is? >> i would just trying to do my normal work at the credit union. in oakland, sometimes things like that happen, but it dies over, you know it doesn't really affect a lot of people. but i go outside and the cops are saying, don't move, don't move. it started getting chaotic. and i saw one of the students
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come out with a bullet hole. >> are you a student at that school? >> i'm not a student at any school. i heard there was a shooting, and i was going to see if my aunt was okay. >> you just give us a little flavor of what was going on, a very, very deadly situation. five, we believe are dead, we don't know if they're students, faculty or who they were, but we do know that the reporting that we got from our affiliate, it looks like the suspect has been detained by police. brian, thanks very much for calling in. tom foreman, set the scene for us, where is this school? i know it's not far from oakland and san francisco. >> it's northern california, across the bay is oakland. let's move in close to the university and get an idea of the lay of the land here. this is an area that seems to be largely used for businesses and
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education. here is the university here. it's not a big place, you see those are cars there. it's not a huge complex here, they teach a christian approach to health care, music, focus on the korean community. of course in the korean community in this country, christianity is one of the big prevalent religions. but the area around here, includes an area not terribly far away. there are several places that -- there's a jail down the road. there's a school that teaches avionics, this is very much a business sort of community, as a reporter mentioned a minute ago, maybe it's actually connected to the school that happened here, but there are many places around here that could have been a target if you're talking about a general gunman roaming the area. this is a tribute to martin luther king on the -- the raiders play and the athletics,
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so it's an idea of what that area would be like and where this happened this afternoon. not many homes until you go quite some different way from oikos university here. we're still trying to determine how many students were in in building when the shooting plan. >> paul is in los angeles following what's going on. you're getting additional information as well, paul, what are you learn ing. we have heard from our affiliate ktvu that the death toll has reached five in this case. we know that five people have been brought to highland hospital. and a little bit more about oikos university. it's sort of in the warehouse area, and it's not a huge university. and among other things, they focus on acupuncture, nursing, theology. it seems to be more of a vocational school. the gunman entered the school, he is expected to be a korean male.
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it all took place at about 10:30 this afternoon. let's take a look at what police said earlier today. >> a gunman came into the college and fired multiple shots. we do have fatalities. i cannot confirm the number of fatalities we have at this time. we additionally have victims who have suffered from gunshot wounds, i cannot confirm the numbers at this time. >> so a suspect is believed to be in custody at this time. you may have heard, they're not sure about the number of fatalitie fatalities. five people are dead and the number of wounded remains in question right now, wolf. >> we're going to continue to follow the story, five confirmed dead, and five taken to the hospital. the suspect we believe is in police custody now.
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other important news we're watching plug in the political world. he has three primaries tomorrow, including an important battle with rick santorum in wisconsin. mitt romney is already pivoting toward the november election and a new poll brings him some new worries about where he stands with women voters. our senior correspondent joe johns is covering mitt romney in wisconsin. what's the latest on that front, joe? >> wolf, mitt romney arrived here in green bay just hours before the wisconsin primary with the biggest question being how he's going to handle what appears to be a significant problem with women voters. >> reporter: the latest usa today gallup swing poll shows that obama is leading romney by a wide margin, 54% to 36%.
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he didn't seem phased when i asked about the women voters, some say part of the problem may be the way the republican nomination race has forced all to the candidates including romney. the debate over the health care and contraception. >> planned parenthood, we're going to get rid of that. >> reporter: so far romney has been leaning on his wife. >> women are talking about jobs, women are talking about deficit spending, thank you women, we need you, we all need you in november too, we have to remember why we're upset and what we have got to do to fix things. >> reporter: the campaign sees ann romney's strong voice as a secret weapon. south carolina governor nikki
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haley who said she would not be romney's running mate. >> the more he puts nikki out there, the more we see that she is so strong. >> what do you think of the wife? those are so fluff issues. >> some of the other women we spoke to at the green bay event. >> i think he seems to be in touch on a lot of issues, concerned us and our business, so that's what brings me here today. >> among men voters, mitt romney and president obama are basically tied in that gallup poll. so if mitt romney gets the nomination, wolf, it certainly looks like he's going to have work cut out for him. >> a lot of work trying to narrow that gender gap. long after the cold war, there's a talk of a russian
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threat. and three osama bin laden's wives are sentenced today. all right, let's decide what to do about medicare and social security... security. that's what matters to me...
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jack's here with the k"the cafferty file".
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>> top democrats, who of them jumping all over romney for things he said about russia. painting the republican nominee as stuck in the old days of the colds war. it all goes back to the president's so-called hot mike controversy. when obama was heard asking an aid for dmitry medvedev saying he would have more flexibility after the election. now biden and clinton are going after -- it's not the cold war 1950s, although we do have disagreements with russia. biden says they're united with us on iran and it's one of only two ways the united states gets supplies to its troops in afghanistan.
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romney's campaign shot back at those contribute sichls saying that russia has obstruction im. romney says that president obama is too open to concessions when it comes to russia. a missile defense system has been a quibble between the two nations for years. russia's worried it would violate it's sovereignty. here's is the question, how big a threat to the united states is russia? go to >> who even thought this long after the end of the cold war, we would even be discussing
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this? >> if obama hadn't had a hot mike, we wouldn't be. let's go live to cnn's kate bolduan, she's following this case for us. the decision came in for us a little while ago. >> this case came down to a simple question of privacy versus security. a case that started more than six years ago with what one man calls the most humiliating ordeal of his life. albert flores was driving along this new jersey highway with his family. >> we were not doing nothing illegal. >> reporter: when florence was pulled over and arrested for unpaid traffic fines he had already paid. >> i was a little shocked. i didn't understand why. >> reporter: after his arrest, florence was taken here, the burlington county jail, where he was strip searched.
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something every inmate goes through here regardless of their crime. >> i was told just do as you're told, wash in this disgusting soap and obey the directions of the officer who was instructing me to turn around, lift my genitals up, quality. >> reporter: he underwent a second strip search at another jail, after florence sued, alleging it was against his -- but the florence court disagreed. quote, exempting people arrested for minor offenses may put them at greater risk and result in more contraband being brought into the decision facility. the state of new jersey argued these so-called intake searches are justified because they apply to any person taken into custody. >> when you are being lawfully admitted into a prison facility,
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and he was, at that point your expectations of privacy essentially drop to zero and the importance of maintaining security rises to about 100%. >> reporter: reacting to the decision, albert florence's attorney says it's about as close as we could get in this political climate of recent law for the detention of citizens without trial. and even before this ruling, albert florence said he would continue to fight no matter what the outcome. >> we're going to fight this thing head on and make sure this doesn't happen to me or anyone else ever again. >> and to be clear, this decision in no way requires that every jail strip search people brought in for even the most minor offenses, but it gives correctional institutions authority to do this to any person put in the general
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population. president obama for the first time has spoken directly about the u.s. supreme court review of the health care law. while the u.s. public arguments did not go well for the obama administration. the president says he remains upbeat about the eventual ruling. >> ultimately i'm confident that the supreme court will not take what would be an unprecedented extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected congress. and i just remind conservative commentators that for years what we have heard is, the biggest problem on the bench was judicial activism or lack of judicial restraint, that an unelected group of people would somehow overturn a duly
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constituted and passed law. well, here's a good example. and i'm pretty confident that this court will recognize that and not take that step. >> after last week's public hearings, the supreme court went behind closed doors, we expect to get a ruling sometime in june. we're following this hour's breaking news, the shooting at the california college that's left multiple people dead, we have new information coming in, stand by for that. plus a fire on a cruise ship, are they just flukes or are they a sign of a larger problem in the entire industry? ♪ ♪ ♪ wow... ♪
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[ female announcer ] sometimes, all you need is the smooth, creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. ♪ werther's original caramels.
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[ male announcer ] get it now at red lobster's lobsterfest. 12 tempting choices like lobster lover's dream or maine lobster and shrimp. but only for a short time. now at red lobster. i'm laura mclennan and i sea food differently. never took life too seriously... till our son was born. that day, he bought life insurance. now there's no way i could send our boy to college without it. if there was one thing i could say to hank, it'd be "thank you." you're welcome. hey, hank. [ male announcer ] life insurance you can use while you're still living. you are one lucky lady. mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] learn more from your state farm agent today. my son and i never missed opening day. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler
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let let's get back to the breaking news in oakland, california. henry, first of all, tell us where you are, what you're hearing, what information have you learned about this has killing out there. >> i'm standing in the parking lot of a safe way store in alame alameda, california. police have surrounded a parked silver honda that the suspect may have used to make his initial escape from the oakland religious school. they have detained him. this is the only suspect they're looking at, so the investigation is ongoing, including the motive. >> some have called it a university, some have called it a college, what exactly is it? >> i don't have the exact word yet on the -- oikos university says it has acupuncture classes
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and nursing classes. it is not known if this suspect is affiliate ed with the schooln any way. >> do we know what kind of weapon was used? >> i don't know what kind of weapon that was used. >> the suspect is in custody, right. >> no arrest has been formally made, but the suspected you're looking at has been detained, at least right now as a person of interest. >> as far as the campus is concerned, does it look like it's calming down? is there still a major police presence? are they evacuating people? >> initially police were seen and witnesses were seen screaming coming out of the building. there is a police presence, the s.w.a.t. team is still clearing the building. the police are there at the building for a very long time as
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well as here in alameda. >> you're saying the car that police are surrounding there is believed to be the car of the suspect, is that correct? >> reporter: that's correct, there might have been one or two involved. the initial vehicle might be still at the school, it might be an suv. and i'm looking at a parked silver honda in this parking lot so there might have been multiple vehicles used. >> in oak land, california, five people dead, several others were taken to hospital with injuries and it looks like the suspect as henry lee of the san francisco chronicle just told us is in custody. we'll stay on top of this story and update you when we get more information. let's move on to our strategy session, lots of political news to tell you about.
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we have dawna brazil our democratic strategist as well as republican strategist, ana lavar. it looks if romney gets the republican nomination, i assume you agree he probably will at this point, he's got a major problem in these battleground states, according to this usa today gallup poll with women voters, kbaobama is ahead of th 56% to 34%. we have been hearing about issues involving women. >> i'm glad this is coming out this early, it's a very bright red flag that's waving in the air, we have to pay attention to it, we haromney has to pay atte to it. we need to talk about issues that women are interested in,
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and it's the same as especially where in america -- i'm glad this is coming out early and i hope it leads to action from the romney campaign should he be the nominee. >> dawna, if you have taken a look closely, that romney is addressing women more, and he's saying the country's got to create more jobs, women need jobs, they need to get jobs to help their families, he's raising this issue much more assertively i believe. he's got a problem of potential disaster with women voters out there. >> he's alienating voters when women will determine the future of this country. and of course increasingly women are democratic. he's alienated women on not only reproductive health issues.
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women voters want somebody who understands kitchen table issues and ensuring that they have jobs in the future. i don't think mitt romney will be able to do the etch-a-sketch and get back to being the moderate that he really is. >> do you think if he wins the nomination, he is going to pivot back to the center and away from the far right? >> i think that's the keyword, pivot. i don't think in this news cycle we have, with youtube that whatever you say never dies. what he needs to do is start focusing on those priority issues. >> what if he's asked about these issues, birth control and these type of issues, how does he answer them. >> he answers them leaving wiggle room.
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he answers them in a tone that does not alienate women. tone matters in in debate. i think mitt romney himself is not the one leading this debate, but he certainly is feeling the effects of this debate. and i think he's feeling the effects. so i think tone matters and i think he's got to pivot. if he gets asked, he's got to find a way to do it that's not alienatiing women. we want to hear from him. >> anne romney, she's speaking out much more assertively on behalf of her husband, she's also having a sense of humor. let me play a little clip of anna romney, the wife of mitt romney. >> in casual conversation, he comes off very, very smooth and okay. but sometimes he appears stiff. do you have to fight back some criticism like my husband isn't
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stiff? >> i guess we better unzip him and let the real mitt romney out. because he is not. it's just so funny to me that that is the perception out there. >> donna, i assume that you think anne romney is going to be a strategic asset for her husband? >> there's no question about it. like other political spouses, she knows the candidates, she can tell us about some of those private moments that we don't know about, that will soften his image among voters, but i do believe anna is absolutely right, immigration, he's been forced to go to the far right. on reproductive rights, he's been forced to go to the far right on just about every issue that matters to women voters, youth voters, minority voters so i don't know how he'she's -- wee
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all those favorite youtube moments ready to let the real mitt romney show in the fall. >> anna, you want to respond? >> we got some great youtube moments from obama too, the open mike gaffe and he has's got promise that he will help the latino community. but those youtubes, they cut both ways, you've got to be awfully careful what you say these days because it will follow you until the day you die. >> let's get this one ready, because this is going to be a very close election, an epic moment. the youtube moment, it's the one from al green when he sings, because that's the mood we all right now. >> we have heard mitt romney sing too. >> let's not make this a single
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competition. >> mitt romney and obama both have wonderful wives that will help them on the campaign trail. here's some other news making headlines. april fools day did not go unnoticed by the romney staff. walking into an empty room instead of a campaign event. take a look at this. >> governor mitt romney, the next president of the united states! [ laughter ] >> april fool! >> happy prim fool's dapril foo. romney's dad got -- political
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advisor is heard on the phone saying he doesn't want his boss appearing with a then michigan governor. [ phone ringing ] >> you should have just gong in to work. >> come on. >> want me to turn down the tv? >> tell jim he's not going to michigan. because romney is a clown and i don't want him standing next to him. >> from the 1960s, george romney. for complete political coverage, be sure to read the ticker from cnn now after an engine room fire, a luxury liner is stranded in waters frequented by pirates. just the latest struggle of a cruise ship.
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[ artis brown ] america is facing some tough challenges right now. two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security
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and our economy. do about medicare and social security... security. that's what matters to me... me? i've been paying in all these years... years washington's been talking at us, but they never really listen...'s not just some line item on a budget; it's what i'll have to live on... i live on branson street, and i have something to say... [ male announcer ] aarp is bringing the conversation on medicare and social security out from behind closed doors in washington. because you've earned a say.
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lisa sylvester is monitoring some of the other top stories in "the situation room." >> the planned parenthood clinic near appleton, wisconsin is closed today after a home made bomb caused a small fire last night. no one was hurt and the organization says the clinic will open again tomorrow. there's no word of a suspect or a motive for that attack. osama bin laden's three widows and two of his daughters have been sentenced to 45 days house detention in pakistan. they were convicted today of living in that country illegally. the women will be deported back to their country after they serve their time. and a payment processing firm says an attack by hackers may have compromised up to 1.5 million credit and debit cards. global payment says although card numbers may have been accessed, card holders names,
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addresses and social security numbers were not affected. lisa, thank you. we're getting more breaking news on that horrible shooting out in oakland, california. paul buchanan is getting more information for us. what are you learning, paul? >> i just talked with the chief of staff at the oakland police department, he says a total of nine people have been shot and he said he believed six have been pronounced dead in this oak land shooting. he also said in this era you have mixed use commercial businesses so you may have a school here or a startup nearby. so he does not know if all nine of the people shot are connected to oikos university. also they will not be specific at this point about what the firearm was used, but they're
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saying of course it was a firearm and again, the headline here oakland police saying nine people total have been shot and it's believed that six of those people have been pronounced dead. >> and we have no information at all about a motive or anything along those lines and no word of what the suspected shooter was saying, if he was shouting out anything at the time. anything long those lines? >> they're just trickling out little dribs and drabs of evidence. only that this was a very small christian college, a vocational school, one that focused on nursing, acupuncture, theology. nothing about a motive, just that they believe six people have been pronounced dead.
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>> i know that you have been working this story, you'll check back with us when we get more information. >> fires, crashing, even cop si capsizing, what's going on with cruise ships? so why do banks do it ? hello ? hello ?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello ? ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. never took life too seriously... till our son was born. that day, he bought life insurance. now there's no way i could send our boy to college without it. if there was one thing i could say to hank, it'd be "thank you."
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on select lennox home comfort systems. offer ends june 15th. and download our lennox mobile app -- free. lennox. innovation never felt so good. another druz ship -- another cruise ship crisis. wlees a sylvester is looking at this for us. >> about 14 million people worldwide took a cruise last year. industry experts say it's a very safe way to travel. yet recently there's been a number of incidents and they highlight that a number of things can happen on the high seas. in the dark of night, the ship limped into a malaise yang port. the luxury cruise line was carrying 1,000 people when a
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fire broke out. passengers and crew were stranded for 24 hours. it happened south of the philippines in waters frequented by pirates. on that ship, virginia beach president dorothy wood, who posted on facebook, our 17-day adventure has turned, still no ac or hot water, or ability to cook, please send starbucks this morning. >> as of last night, we had the philippine coast guard beside us and i'm sure that we felt very secure then. >> reporter: it's only the latest of a string of recent cruise accidents and mishaps, the most notable, the capsizing of the costa concordia. 32 people are believed to have died in that accident. and the fire in the cost that concordia last month.
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and then a cruise ship ran into a container ship. >> these things are floating on water, ships sink. there are collisions between cruise ships which have occurred, vessels strike a dock or a rock. there are ships that have sunk. >> reporter: but the risk management company says that cruises are still a safe way to travel. >> when you look at total miles per passenger, as far as the amount of people that are out there cruising -- the crew won high praise for the handle of this crisis. five crewmembers are putting out the blaze. >> i spoke to a passenger who is from the uk, he said all of the
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passengers made it back to malaysia unharmed but they were put up in hotels and most were headed back to their home countries. there were about 2,000 people aboard that ship. >> jack cafferty is asking, how much of a threat is russia to the united states? and bill clinton is opening up about the chances that his wife, that's the secretary of state may run for president in 2016. top quality lobster is all we catch.
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[ male announcer ] get it now at red lobster's lobsterfest. 12 tempting choices like lobster lover's dream or maine lobster and shrimp. but only for a short time. now at red lobster. i'm laura mclennan and i sea food differently.
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jack's back with "the cafferty file." jack? >> the question this hour is how big a threat to the united states is russia? mitt romney made some comments that we should be very afraid. tim writes, a better question is how big a threat are we to them. their only offensive weapon in a conventional military sense is for the destruction of the world. this is a country with such -- ryan writes,adicanadian, i married a russian 18 months ago, i have news for romney, russia's
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been capitalist for 20 years, it's a caucasian country like canada. i love the place, the people are warm and friendly. just like north america, they're all fed up with their politicians. j.k.k.? mcinn not as much as you would like to believe. larry in rhode island, as big a threat is santorum is to romney for the nomination. russia is clearly not a best friend, but they're nowhere near the threat the soviet union is? renee says russia is clearly not our best friend, but they continue to fall back on those good old-fashioned scare tactics. and j.d. writes russia is about the last thing on my list of things to worry about.
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guard your medicare card. don't give out your card number over the phone. call to report any suspected fraud. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us. with odor free aspercreme. powerful medicine relieves pain fast, with no odor. so all you notice is relief. aspercreme. here's a look at today's hot shots. in fiji, travellers sleep on an airport floor after flooding from a tropical cyclone displaces 8,000 people. in myanmar, a group of nones excitedly await the convoy of
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the newly elected reformist. and in japan, a macaca enjoys snacking on cherry blossom plants, that's the macaca right there. another powerful earth quake in southern mexico. lisa sylvester is monitoring that. lisa, what do you have? >> this was a magnitude 6.3 after shock that was -- today's earthquake was felt hundreds of miles away in mexico city, but unlike the bigger earthquake, there are no reports of damages or injuries today. the crash of a russian airliner with 40 people on board, 31 were killed, including all three crewmembers. 12 passengers survived. the twin engine atr was trying to make an emergency landing when it went down.
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and the death toll in iraq has fallen to a nine-year low despite continued violence. 112 civilians and soldiers were killed in march. and it was a happy ending to a harrowing ordeal in southwest china where a 2-year-old boy fell into a 40-foot dry well. they made repeated attempts to get him out but he kept slipping from the ropes. his family is relieved to learn that hess going to be just fine. all things considering, that 40-foot dry well drop, it is going to be okay, so that is good news. and you're in "the situation room." breaking news, six people reported dead in a california shooting. the syrian regime pledging immediate withdrawal. is it just another empty
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promise? or is it an end to the year-long slaughter finally in sight? and former president bill clinton and his wife, the secretary of state hillary clinton are both piling on to romney who says that the front runner is out of touch and can't win the race. and there's 23 megamillions lottery winners. some say the controversial story is just not adding ing up. we want to welcome our viewers from the united states and around the world, you're in "the situation room." let's get to the breaking news right now, six, yes, six people reported dead, three others injured after a has shooting broke out at oikos university. police say a suspect is in custody. let's bring in a reporter henry lee at the san francisco chronicle. he's joining us on the phone. what's the very latest
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information you're getting? you're on the scene? >> reporter: i'm at the scene of this mass shooting. i just saw a suspect being detained and hanged cuffed outside of a safeway store. a witness said she thought she was being arrested for shoplifting. a very terrible day here in the city of oakland and also here in aftermath here in alameda, california, not far from the shooting scene. >> do you know anything about the shooter. >> reporter: he is a korean american. he was identified early on and he did have many korean men at gunpoint around the school. this was a korean religious
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school so they did not know who he was, but he was of larger build and wearing khakis and a hat. >> i have seen some suggestions he may have been a student there, had some connection to the university, what if anything, henry, do you know about that? >> what if any connection so far, wolf, it remains to be seen if there is any definite connection at this time. >> what about the car being taken, this is a car belonging to the suspect? >> reporter: this is a blue -- the suspect may have arrived at the school in a different vehicle, possibly an suv. so we don't know if he used a second vehicle, if it was a carjacking, but the oakland police are here in the neighboring jurisdiction of
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alameda analyzing what happened over here. >> as of now, henry, we just want to be precise. the working assumption is one individual shooter involved, not part of some broader plot or anything along thoselines right? >> yes, the police are telling us a single, lone gunman who is responsibility for this shooting is in custody. >> henry, thank you. paul buchanan is also doing some independent reporting on what's going on. what else are you hearing, paul? >> well, wolf, just to underscore this again, oakland police are telling me that they say that six have been killed, nine total shot, these numbers are not necessarily final, both those numbers could rise. they also say that an unspecified firearm was used. they like to point out that this is of mixed commercial use, so
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the university is interspersed with other businesses. they do not know if the shooter was connected with the college what we do know now is that six total killed, nine total shot. >> we're following the breaking news, horrible situation, six people reportedly being killed in this shooting spree out in oakland, california. let's move to other news, a major milestone for the devastating syrian crisis. the syrian government is promising u.n. officials they will be pulling people out of the population centers and complete the withdrawal by next week. but the promise is being met with skepticism here in the united states and elsewhere around the world. >> let's be realistic, we are now speaking in my national capacity, we have seen over the course of the last many months, promises made and promises
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broken. we have seen commitments to end the violence, followed by massive intensification of violence. so the united states for one, would look at these commitments and say, yet again, the proof is in the actions not in the words. and past experience would lead us to be skeptical and to worry that over the next several days, they would rather than a demunition of the violence, we would see an escalation of the violence. >> all this after the killings of another 65 people just today, and horrifying opposition reports of 80 bodies found tortured in a hospital refrigerator. professor ijami thank you for
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coming in, do you believe that assad has ordered a cease fire and to stop the killing? >> these are pledges made and pledges broken. there's no possibility that assaad would pull his troops after these major contested cities. he pulls his troops out, the entire population of these cities would rise in rebellion against them. >> why even make a pledge to kofi annan, the special envoy that's trying to ease this crisis, why would he make a statement like that if he didn't have any intention of living up to it. >> assad and his wife, these are very cynical people, they believe they can run out the clock. they believe in many ways they may have even won this fight. they may have gotten the attention of the world away from there fight. if they hunker down, the world
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would leave them be and they could prevail. there is no way that the syrian people are going to put their, somehow not organize a rebellion. >> there's going to be mounting pressure including on the u.s. to start providing weapons, arms to these rebels. so far the u.s. have resisted. although some in the arab world are willing to provide weapons to these rebels. the argument is made by u.s. officials, they don't know who these rebels are, so why should we should arming them. >> these are ordinary civil people, and it's a sad comment on american diplomacy, that we keep calling into question the identification of these people.
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and you saw just a while ago, secretary of state hillary clinton questioning whether mitt romney could win or lose. that's not the task of a secretary of state, she should be paying attention to the rebellion in syria. and the united states has in many ways, the force has been holding back arming the civilian defectors. >> in fairness to the secretary of state, she was asked be mitt romney's statement that russia is a geo political country. >> the secretary of state has made some remarkable statements and these statements were not against bashar, but she's made remarkable statements against the opposition. she has called into question whether damascus has risen in
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rebellion. she said we don't know these people. she even provided a mockery in support of the civilian rebellion. she said do we really want to be on the side of the rebellion? a at some point we are going to probably arm the syrianlater. >> the muslim brotherhood is saying they will in fact have a candidate that runs for the presidential election in may. >> a stunning development, because this is the last cookie on the plate and the muslim brotherhood said we're not going participate in the election. one of the principle reasons for doing so is that the muslim brotherhood think they could win. they want to make sure -- >> will the military accept the
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outcome of that election? >> obviously we are talking about the muslim brotherhood, the military and in the end this very, very weak secular movement and i think it's a bargain between the military and the muslim brotherhood. >> what was happening a year ago in tahrir square, the rebellion, is that over? >> the secular movement in egypt, the liberals in egypt. the people you and i would know, the people you and i would call on. >> sarah palin goes on morning television to battle katie couric and the jabs are already beginning. and a mystery woman claims to be one of the megamillions lottery winners, we're going live to the store where that winning ticket was bought.
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and 75,000 for a team building exercise and you paid for it all. we have the story of an $800,000 conference that has calls for the chief to step down. infinit. i love those. they just...and then drop off... ...kind of like the negotiator. narrator: save right now on thousands and thousands of hotels during the spring sale at priceline.
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for 18 months. plus download our free lennox mobile app with an energy-savings calculator to show how much you'll save... with lennox. innovation never felt so good. hey, jack, jack cafferty with "the cafferty file." >> the fate of obama's -- last week's oral arguments did not seem promising for the obama administration. experts, some of them anyway think that the individual mandate maybe even the whole law is in jeopardy. supporters tell politico if the law goes downing there could be significant ripple effects. they say other things could be on the firing line. the endangered species act, the clean water act. and laws preventing employment
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discrimination. supporters of obama care are just using the falling sky as scare tactics and if the supreme court upholds the mandate, there could be an increase in gym membership. there will no doubt be a political lightning rod effect for both parties because it will come just a few months before the presidential election. as americans wait for the decision, health care costs keep going up and up. it's estimated the cost to cover the typical family of four under an employer plan will top $20,000 this year. that's up 7% from last year. if will be the fifth year in a row that health care rose 7% or 8%. the question is this, if obama care falls, what's next? go to and
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post a comment on my blog or go to my post on "the situation room's" facebook page. i don't know if anybody has any idea what's next. >> they may have to start from scratch to deal with this once again after the next election. >> but the mandatings are the heart of it, because that pays, forcing healthy young people to buy insurance pays for helping all sorts of others. >> without the mandate, the law is meaningless. >> we'll see if that 5-4, 6-3 decision happens. this just coming in to cnn right now, the ahead of a major government agency is resigning amoment reportings of excessive spending. what's going on, brianna? >> reporter: we're talking about a woman named martha johnson, she's head of the general services administration. many people may never have heard of it but it's basically the
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land lord for the federal government overseeing all the thousands of federal buildings across the country and this happened amid the controversy of a very expensive conference. gsa employees conducted ahead of the conference, two scouting trips, five offsite planning meetings as well as a dry run. this is all according to a report just released by the independent inspector general. and those plans cost $136,000 add that to the conference of $686,000, for a total of $822,000. $75,000 to hire a company to do team building exercises, including a bicycle construction
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exercise, $6,000 spent on commemorative coins, more than $6,000 spent on campaigns and t-shirts. a senior administration official giving up a statement from the white house chief of staff saying that the president was informed about this before he went to korea. so here about a week ago, it seems and that he was outraged by this, all of this kwculminatg as the head of the gsa and we know that two of the top officials of the gsa have been fired. >> and nearly a million, that's u.s. taxpayer money that was thrown away in this excess sifr spending? >> this is something that the president and the white house have had to come out with a very strong reaction to, because this was one of the priorities of president obama, in fact it was some time ago, we actually wrote a story about it on cnn is that they were trying to eliminate
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costs at a number of government agencies and that even included, what we typically call swag, certainly in this case, this did not tack with what president baham obama and the white house said they were going to do. >> i'm sure they'll be taking a closer look at all of this waste because a lot of it is waste, no doubt about that. last time we saw this jetblue pilot he was in a wheelchair after having a midair meltdown. he's being punished for his erratic behavior. and she's used the term lame stream media, but is sarah palin now part of the lame stream media? carfirmation. only hertz gives you a carfirmation.
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lisa sylvester is monitoring some of the other top stories in "the situation room" right now. including an update on that jetblue pilot who had a mid flight meltdown. >> clayton osbon seen for the first time since the incident will be held in a texas jail. he's charged with interfering with a flight crew after his erratic behavior got him locked out of the cockpit. he then had to be subdued for creaming. 58 of the district's 70 school businesses had their tired flattened overnight leaving 2,500 students scrambling to find a ride to school. authorities are looking at surveillance video to find the culprit. busses were expected to be working in time to bring
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students home. and what do david beckham, jay leno and mary j. bilge all have in common? burger king. they're introducing digital menu boards behind the front counters. wendy's recently overtook burger king as the second most popular fast food chain behind mcdonald's. so change is coming for burger king. >> change is always good. they're going to keep all their old stuff and bring in some new stuff, a little bit healthier. >> the smoothies, the salads. >> stuff you like a lot. secretary of state hillary clinton takes a little dip into political waters. you'll want to hear what she's
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saying about political front rubber mirub runner mitt romney, implying he may be out of touch. does the megamillion lottery jackpot belong to just one person or to a whole bunch of them? all energy development comes with some risk, but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint
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and we'll provide the coverage you need at the right price. liberty mutual auto insurance, responsibility -- what's your policy? the republican presidential front-runner mitt romney is getting hit hard from the left by not just one, but two clintons at the same time. the secretary of state hillary clinton doesn't usually wade into political waters, but when our own political affairs correspondent jill dougherty asked the question, quoting romney, our number one geo political foe. >> i think it's somewhat dated to be looking backwards instead of being realistic about where
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we agree, where we don't agree. >> her husband, former president bill clinton suggests romney could be in serious trouble, this race is very different from his own successful run back in 1992. >> mine was just one long character attack. but we never had to change what we were saying from the primary to the general. >> we're going to let this guy do it. >> the problem governor romney has is that his character attacked, he doesn't really know what he believes. >> a doting bill clinton simply said this. >> i'm missing her, we have fun together. she wants to come home and decompress and relax and i believe she's being absolutely honest with you when she says she doesn't believe she'll go back into politics. but if she comes home and we do this foundation stuff for the
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rest of our lives, i'll be happy. if she decides to run, i'll be happy. >> happy either way. gloria borger, very different tone to a certain degree, he's much more political than hillary clinton is, but they're both going after mitt romney. >> and it's very powerful first of all coming from hillary clinton, who's probably one of the most popular women in this country, certainly one of the most respected women around the world. and she just responded to a question about mitt romney and russia, foreign policy and th that's her job as secretary of state. and bill clinton makes a very good point which is that mitt romney's character flaw if you will is the question is what's at his core, what does he really believe in? and bill clinton makes the point, his character flaw was about something else.
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>> bill clinton successfully in '92 defeated an incumbent president, george h.w. bush. and romney's trying to do the same thing now. and clinton says he probably dusht have the wherewithal. >> the interesting thing about bill clinton if you recall is that he was a southern moderate governor who decided he wanted to take the democratic party in a different direction. with mitt romney, you see someone who seems to be following the lead of where the republican party is heading. he had been a more moderate republican governor in the state of massachusetts, now the republican party has become much more conservative. so you can make the case, that instead of leading the party in a certain direction, he's actually trying to figure out where it's going and following it. >> hillary clinton, she seems to suggest that after she gives up her job as secretary of state,
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she's giving up politics. but you heard her husband leave that door wide open. >> maybe bill clinton would like another shot at being president. i believe hillary clinton, i think she's exhausted. i think it's a job that takes so much time and travel and energy if you do it the right way. and most people would agree she is doing it the right way. and that she does want to take time to reflect. of course you can't predict what's going to happen in 2016, if she were to decide she was interested in the nomination in 2016, i think you would have to say she would be an automatic front-runner. and i guess joe biden would be in that race too. and then you would have a real generational issue in the democratic party as you have in the republican party. >> she'll be 68 or 69 years old, still a relatively young woman,
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she could take a month off and relax a little bit and go back into politics. >> take a month off. the short list for the presidential slot on the republican ticket just got a little r little bit shooter. nikki haley emphatically saying she would not accept the vp nomination. >> reporter: mitt romney thinks of wisconsin-maryland-d.c. sweep tuesday night will send him sailing to the nomination. but still, he won't own it. >> the vp? i was thinking about you, but i'm not presumptive enough. >> romney may be reticent, but it's never too early to rush the season. virginia governor bob mcdonnell
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a guy from the south which has not been fertile territory for mitt romney. but a law requiring women to -- giant republican gender gap. new jersey governor chris christie, if mitt romney has a deficit -- republicans love his in your faceness. >> your rear end is going to get thrown in jail, idiot. >> christi may also have a geographical problem. coup wisconsin congressman paul ryan, the brainy republican of the house. and ryan is the republican face of medicare reform, not a huge plus in an election year. >> i'm focused on doing my job, it's just not my forte to get into that kind of speculation. >> senator rob portman, of ohio, a seasoned but not
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scintillating -- and bobby jindal who could offer a southern assist. suzanna martinez, a governor, a hispanic and a favorite in the swing states. always mentioned, marco rubio, he's a tea party favorite, a rising star from the swing state of florida and an hispanic american. he is young and green and weren't play the beefsteaks. >> my answer hasn't changed. >> still under no circumstances? >> yeah, i'm not going to be the vice president. >> i have one requisite question. vice president? >> no, no, i promise, no. >> i take this obligation freely. >> until they say yes. >> this is a great country, you can always change your minds. just ahead, what experts are now saying about screams heard on
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that trayvon martin 911 call. plus sarah palin versus katie couric, the jabs are flying. we'll have the latest. [ male announcer ] the cadillac cts sport sedan was designed with near-perfect weight balance from front to back... and back to front. ♪ giving you exceptional control from left to right... and right to left. ♪ the cadillac cts. ♪ we don't just make luxury cars. we make cadillacs.
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any new twist in the case of the slain teenager, now it's -- a closer look at the police station video does show that george zimmerman was in fact injured. >> reporter: even to the untrained ear, it's clear that the sanford 911 recordings capture the last sounds of trayvon martin's life. you can hear in the background swung yelling help. but whose voice is it? the answer could make or break george zimmerman's claim of self-defense.
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zimmerman told police he was yelling for help. >> there's a huge chance that this is not zimmerman's voice, as a matter of fact after 28 years of doing this, i would put my reputation on the line and say this is not george zimmerman screaming. >> reporter: two audio experts using specialized software for the orlando sentinel analyzed the 911 tapes. they examined zimmerman's voice here calling 911. >> this guy looks like he's up to no good or he's on drugs or something. >> reporter: and they compared it to the yells for help in the background. >> does it sounds like a male or a female? >> it sounds like a male. >> he identified himself on the 911 call, so we know who that is, and we have the voice of the person screaming, we consider that the unknown because we really don't know who that is at
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this point. >> it's unclear if this will be heard by a jury if this ever goes to trial. michael la fay is a florida defense attorney and former prosecutor. first a judge has to be convinced of the audio evidence. >> all courts have a job, a gate keeping function, and that is to keep junk science out of the courtroom. that's what every judge and every court has to do. >> reporter: there's also scrutiny on the police surveillance video of george zimmerman taken soon after his fight with trayvon martin. in its first form, you can't see any injuries to zimmerman's head. boosting definition in contrast, there now appears to be some kind of mark on the back of zimmerman's head. but the poor quality of the original video still makes it impossible to see clearly if
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this mark is an injury. and back to the analysis of those 911 tapes, we're waiting to hear from the representatives of trayvon martin's family if they will offer an audio reporting of trayvon's voice for examination. race is also at the forefront of an emotional firestorm in america. a renowned child psychologist -- kids on race, cnn will air it all this week on "a.c. 360," begins tonight, at 8:30 p.m. eastern. first it was gotcha and now it's game on. sarah palin and katie couric go head to heaad.
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it's palin versus couric, round two. former vice presidential
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candidate sarah palin famously accused katie couric of using gotcha questions. sarah palin has two words for katie couric, game on. dana, what's goc on here. >> you mentioned ratings, network morning shows are known for their epic ratings battles. their ruthless tactics to nap the guest. tomorrow it will be all about the host. >> we're glad to have katie ck r cour couric, how does it feel? >> truth be told, it was a little strange for our viewers too. >> it's hard to keep surprises. >> reporter: for 15 years, katie couric was on to the "today" show. >> "good morning america." >> now "good morning america" is nipping at its heels, so nbc's
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one upmanship. >> former alaska governor sarah palin. >> palin will go head to head with couric. >> i was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read? >> i have read most of them. >> which ones specifically? i'm curious. >> all of them. >> palin called into nbc while she was in new york city, and matt lauer went there. >> what are you doing to prepare? are you reading newspapers? >> and it begins. >> you can still turn that plane around, governor. >> great, that's a fine how do you do. that's a great start. here we go. >> before politics, palin was a local sportscaster in alaska. >> i'll show you highlights, we'll tell you all about that next, stay right there.
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>> reporter: but that was a longs time ago. and nbc is treading on dangerous ground. not only has she made a career out of slamming the main stream media. >> don't get sucked into the lame stream media's lies. >> reporter: she is also playing into a dynamic she says she detests, what some see as sexism in politics, the "new york daily news" dubbed it a cat fight. the mock took big ratings on "saturday night live." >> and again, not to belabor the point, one specific thing. >> katie, i would like to use one of my lifelines. >> i am not your puppet. >> still, several gop strategists tell us palin could
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use some reputation rehab thanks to hbo's game change. >> you are ruining my reputation, i am ruined in alaska. >> reporter: but even gop sources who are no fans of palin say she is surprised and impressed newspapers do you read question. still, others warn she is putting a lot on the line with this. a ratings war with katie couric and a high profile forum she is not used to in the words of one strategist i talked to she can easily flub. >> since she won't be a guest on the today show, a co-host acourting to nbc news, co-host, i assume that nbc is paying her a lot of money to do this. do we have any anybody how much nbc is paying sarah palin to be a co-host with -- >> i have a calls and e-mails as well as and i have not heard back. it is one of the questions i wanted to ask. hopefully we'll get the answers and get back to you as soon as
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we do. >> thanks very much. we'll see what happens tomorrow. you love this story, don't you. >> one more unanswered question. if obama care falls, what is next by the way? couric will win the ratings war. ralph in orange park writes if obama care falls the republicans in congress will propose nothing to replace it because we have no con sit wednesday sigh pong hose too poor to pay for health care. they can try again only make it simpler this time. l writes the court may declare mandatory enrollment unconstitutional and congress has an only ga i guess to spend every minute reworking this bill to help all americans get coverage. unhealthy citizenship doesn't make for a strong nation. the more we allows insurance companies to raise rates, it will only get worse. tina writes it will kill what should have been bipartisan middle ground. the mandate was a republican ideal for 15 years until a
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democrat agreed. our health care is nothing more than another piece of political gaming. martha in pennsylvania, we can only hope there will be a common sense approach to providing health care for all americans such as the systems adopted in other developed countries. otherwise, the only people with access to medical care will be those who either qualify for medicaid or have lots of money. mac in michigan writes we'll have to live to learn with what alz us or if we get really bad sick, get a gun, shoot holes in the ceiling of the nearest 7 skplechb wait to be arrested. they still provide health care for convicted felons, hard working people fortunate enough to reach middle age, not so much. if you want to read more, go to the blog, file or to the post on "the situation room's" facebook booj. >> thank you. >> new information about the deadly shooting incident in a small university in oakland, california.
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authorities telling cnn confirming that seven people are dead in the wake of that shooting. it is a small religious college out in california not far from oakland. seven confirmed dead now in this story we're watching for you. the suspect is believed to be in custody by local authorities. a mystery woman claims to be one of the mega millions lottery winners. is she really? ahead we're going live to the store where the winning ticket was bought. create jobs in america. oil sands projects, like kearl, and the keystone pipeline will provide secure and reliable energy to the united states. over the coming years, projects like these could create more than half a million jobs in the us alone. from the canadian border, through the mid west, to the gulf coast. benefiting hundreds of thousands of families throughout the country. this is just what our economy needs right now. ♪ home was an airport lounge and an ipad ♪
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-- captions by vitac -- there was a winning ticket in baltimore, maryland. the question is where is the winner? brian todd is at the location where the winning ticket was purchased and what are you learning? there is strange developments unfolding right now, brian. >> often, wolf, we do know what you said that the winning ticket for the maryland part of the lottery looking like this is bought at the 7-eleven. we know this 7-eleven will get a $100,000 cut but the name of the winner is not confirmed by state officials and whether there is
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one or several may be in some dispute. >> it is out there, the tiny ticket stub everyone is looking for. we have been on the hunt in maryland for the mega millions winner who will snag more than 100 million dollars after taxes. >> nobody has come through the doors yet. >> would it be this woman? she told the "new york post" she is is the maryland winner. we learned she also told people at a deli across the strooet but co-workers at mcdonald's said she was among a group that went in on the ticket together and she said the ticket she brought is separate. >> a key piece will be right at this spot where the winning ticket was sold right from this machine and here is what they'll look for. each ticket has a date and time stamp. they will match it up according to lottery officials with surveillance video hopefully they got taken on these two cameras and you can see the return video over there, and lottery officials tell us they take surveillance of the
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purchases and hopefully they'll match it up with the winning ticket and verify everything. >> i asked lottery spoexz woman carol everett about the dispute. >> what do you make of the claim at this point? >> there is nothing to make of it. again, it doesn't sound like a typical jackpot winner to us. i don't put much stock in the story. >> why not? >> she claims she won. she can't produce the ticket. we really don't spend that much time on it other than to field questions from the media and in our opinion until they walk in the door and hold the particularet and produce valid identification and our security people with process and validate it, doesn't matter. >> co-workers did tell the post wilson later couldn't find her ticket. we looked all over baltimore for her, at her home, on her street, where neighbors say she took off. >> she is a good neighbor? >> she is a good neighbor. she is an honest person. >> and at the mcdonald's. no one would talk on camera. the owner e-mailed us saying nothing is confirmed about anyone being involved. we asked a gaming attorney how
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to avoid the disputes. >> bring the tickets back, put them some place where the entire group has oversight and the person is free to do whatever they want on their own behalf. >> lottery officials also tell us people going in on these things as a group should get it all in writing, have one document with the names of everyone who is going in on the tickets and have it in explicit language that they're all going in on it together and share the winnings and have that in writing so there is no dispute after the drawings, wolf. >> brian, any indication that any of these mcdonald's employees got any of this in writing? >> we don't really know that yet. a mcdonald's representative told us they don't know if any of them got it in writing. according to the "new york post" there were two batches of tickets bought and the first batch they had in a safe there and the second batch they asked her to go buy the tickets on her way home and apparently she did and then took them home and that's where the dispute